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   I became part of the limb loss community in late 2016.  For me it was pretty simple.  I knew I needed to embrace the new reality of my life and  I WAS DETERMINED to overcome whatever challenges awaited.

   Once there had been sufficient healing, I met my prosthetist.  I told her I wanted to try everything because, let's face it, I knew nothing about prosthetics, let alone what would work best for me.  I needed some sort of basis for comparison to even have an opinion.  It became apparent to me from very early on that ours was NOT a "one-size-fits-all" community.  So many options!


   After having the chance to try out several different prosthetic feet, there was no doubt in my mind that a foot with a microprocessor ankle was the one for me!  It was pure bliss feeling that motion at my ankle once again!   My gait was smoother, my back felt better, and sloped ground was so much easier to navigate.  I knew I could cover some ground with this baby!

   Unfortunately, as is the case with many insurance carriers, my insurance company had a policy in place that labeled this particular technology "investigational." My claim was denied on this basis.  I appealed the decision but was denied for a second time, again citing "policy."   I exercised my final appeal option, this time requesting an in-person panel review hearing.  Long story short, I PREVAILED.

   My hope had been to educate my insurance company and convince them to change their policy altogether. I was stunned when they explained to me that

I was their FIRST AND ONLY AMPUTEE TO EVER appeal a denial to the level of a panel review hearing.  Therefore, they would not be changing their policy. While I was thrilled to gain approval for my microprocessor ankle/foot prosthetic, I was disheartened that others could still be denied.

"...when an insurance company first says 'No,'

   A mission was born!  I knew there were others in the limb loss community facing insurance denials over prosthetics --wonderful life-changing devices  developed solely to address our unique mobility needs!  I want others to know that when an insurance company initially says "No," it does not mean NO!  Instead, it is simply an invitation to challenge their decision and educate the policy makers.  I'd love to help others accept that invitation.

In between insurance challenges and self-advocacy training, I'm excited to bring our community together for events, activities, support, and educational opportunities.


  Welcome to my advocacy and support outreach. 


  I can't wait to AMP YOU UP!



Founder, Amp You Up!

Certified Lead Advocate,

Amputee Coalition


Fig. 3 Transparent


web design by MODA CO. 2021

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